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Russia: Banned Wifi & Smartphones In Schools To Protect Children

On July 18, 2020, Professor Oleg A. Grigoryev posted a tweet about the Ministry of Health in Russia, in which he announced:

Russia Ministry of Health – "Wi-Fi banned for primary school. And smartphones banned in schools too. Our proposal became the official opinion in the new hygiene regulations for digital school. The electromagnetic exposure of children will decrease.:

In the PDF of the Ministry of Health, in which this was documented, is a interesting chapter about the requirements for online learning at home. I translated it with Google:

.3.2. Requirements for online learning at home

  • 3.2.1 In online learning mode, use a personal computer or laptop with a wired/cabled internet connection. When using a wireless data transmission system, the distance from the Wi-Fi point to the student’s workplace should be at least 5 meters.

  • 3.2.2. The use of more than two different “ЭСО” [Электронные средства обучения, Electronic Learning Tool, or e-learning tool]” for one user (personal computer and tablet, laptop and tablet) is not allowed.

  • 3.2.3. The use of smartphones for educational purposes (reading, searching for information) is not allowed.

  • 3.2.4. The notebook should only be placed on a firm, flat, surface. The use of laptops by primary school students is possible with an additional keyboard.

  • 3.2.5. The trainee must be provided with a workplace in accordance with the body length. It is recommended to organize the workplace so that the user of the e-learning tool does not sit with his back to the window.

  • 3.2.6 In the room where the workplace with a computer (laptop) or tablet is organized, not only natural and general artificial lighting is needed, but also a local desktop. The local light source in the student’s workplace should be located to the side of the PC or laptop screen. The lighting should not create glare on the screen surface. Illumination at the workplace must be at least 300 lux, which can be provided by a lamp with a power of at least 60 W.

  • 3.2.7. The linear dimensions (diagonal) of the e-learning tool screen must comply with hygienic standards.

  • 3.2.8. The organization of workstations of users of PCs, laptops and tablets should provide a visual distance from the monitor of at least 50 cm. The use of tablets involves their placement on the table at an angle of 30 degrees. Working with a laptop or tablet on your lap, in your hands, lying down is excluded. There should be no bright light sources in the field of view of the device user. The monitor should not be placed with its back toward a window. It is undesirable that when working at a computer, daylight from the window was directed to the user’s eyes.

  • 3.2.9. The continuous and total duration of using various e-learning tools in the classroom must comply with hygiene standards.

  • 3.2.10. If necessary, use headphones should be limited to their continuous use for all age groups no more than an hour. The optimum volume level is 60% of the maximum.

  • 3.2.11. Devices should be turned off or put into “sleep” mode when their use is suspended or completed, so that the luminous screen is not in the field of view of students.

  • 3.2.12. For reading, performing tasks by students of all age groups, mainly educational publications should be used

  • 3.2.13. During and between classes, breaks are organized to prevent visual fatigue, increase the activity of the central nervous system, to relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, from the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, from the muscles of the trunk, to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the lower limbs. The sets of exercises are carried out in accordance with Appendix 2, taking into account the prevailing teaching loads and the condition of the students.

  • 3.2.14. Before the start of classes and every hour of work, the room in which the classes are held should be ventilated (at least 15 minutes), taking into account the weather and climatic conditions; draught should be avoided in the presence of children.

  • 3.2.15. The mode of using electronic e-learning tools equipped with a screen during extracurricular hours should be based on the ratio “one to three” for students from 6 to 8 years old; for students 9-15 years old – “one to two”; for students over 15 years old – “one to one” (for example, “one to one” – for every 30 minutes of work – 30 minutes of rest).

  • 3.2.16. When using electronic equipment, including a touch screen, keyboard, computer mouse, it is necessary to disinfect them daily in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations or using alcohol-based solutions or wipes containing at least 70% alcohol.


3. Children’s Health Defense - Russian Government Recommended Banning Wi-Fi and Cell Phones in Primary Schools.

4. Warning signs for your own use can be downloaded: 1, 2, 3.

GBloc will be launching a range of children's protective clothing just after Christmas, we're moving as fast as we can around the current global situation.

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